Our Service is Unmatched
It is a true joy to assist you in every step of the wayTax Prestige provides tax preparation services for Long Beach CA
Your peace of mind is always our priority
Audit Representation
– We will work directly with the IRS
– We handle all types of tax debt and ANY size
– We will do the heavy-lifting so you don’t have to
Tomaremos medidas inmediatas para ayudarlo a abordar su deuda tributaria
– Trabajaremos directamente con el IRS
– Manejamos todo tipo de deuda tributaria y de cualquier tamaño
Tax Preparation
Presupuestos gratuitos para todos los clientes.
Desarrollamos estrategias de impuestos para clientes comerciales e individuales. Con más de 10 años de experiencia, sabe que sus necesidades fiscales estan en buenas manos
ITIN Processing
When filing with Tax Prestige, there is no need to mail original identification documents to the IRS.
Agente de Aceptacion Certificado (CAA)
Procesar un ITIN con un CAA, le ayuda proteger sus documentos originales de identificacion, no es necesario enviar los originales al IRS.
About Tax Prestige
Tax Professionals in Long Beach CA
At Tax Prestige we believe in the value of relationships. We view every client relationship like a partnership, and truly believe that our success is a result of your success. We are committed to providing close, personal attention to our clients. We take pride in giving you the assurance that the personal assistance you receive comes from years of advanced training, technical experience and financial acumen.
We provide a variety of services including: Income Tax preparation for all types of businesses and individuals, IRS and State Audit Representation, Payroll Reporting, support and training – making sure your financial records are timely and accurate.
En Tax Prestige creemos en el valor de las relaciones. Vemos cada relacion con el cliente como una asociacion, y realmente creemos que nuestro exito es el resultado de su exito. Estamos comprometidos a brindar una atencion cercana y personal a nuestros clientes. Nos enorgullece brindarle la seguridad de que la sistencia personal que recibe proviene de años de capacitacion avanzada, experencia tecnica y perspicacia financiera.
Brindamos una variedad de servicios que incluyen: preparacion del impuesto para todo tipo de empresas e individuos, representacion del IRS y de auditorias estatales, apoyo capacitacion, asegurando que sus registros financieros sean oportunos y precisos.

Professional Service
Tax Prestige can offer a full range of accounting services, while giving you the individual attention that you need.
Years of Experience
Tax Prestige has volumes of experience working through IRS audit strategies and financial issues. We guarantee that your business is in good hands at all times.
Serving your Business
Tax Prestige provides support in all areas of business consulting. Let our team guide you with a financial strategy that leads to business growth and success.

Contact Us

3404 Long Beach Blvd
Long Beach CA, 90807